2013년 7월 7일 일요일

Kindle Comic Creator

Kindle Comic Creator is a free tool for authors and publishers to turn their comics, graphic novels and manga into Kindle books. Kindle Comic Creator makes it easy for authors and publishers to import artwork, create their preferred customer reading experience and preview how their book will look on Kindle devices. Once satisfied with their Kindle book, authors can publish to Kindle and share their story with millions of Amazon customers worldwide.

Kindle Comic Creator makes it fast and easy to create a guided navigation experience with Kindle Panel Views. Kindle Comic Creator automatically detects and recommends Kindle Panel View placement in your book. Kindle Comic Creator also makes it simple to create books with double page spread, facing pages and right-to-left page turns.

Kindle Comic Creator accepts the most prevalent graphic file types, so authors are free to create art in their preferred design tools. Kindle Comic Creator can import single or multi-page images in jpg, pdf, tiff, png and ppm formats.

Kindle Comic Creator also makes it quick to preview how the content will look across Kindle devices. With an integrated preview feature, authors can validate that their books look beautiful on Kindle Fire tablets and Kindle eInk readers.

Goooooooooooooooooood !!!!


2013년 7월 2일 화요일

#8 Amazon Children Picture Book for Christian - Preview

#8 Amazon Children Picture Book for Christian - Preview

< The Story of Eden > 
Genesis 'He Loves Us So Much' #1

After God created man in his image and woman,
He was so happy that he laughed, "Ha ha ha."

He blessed them and said to them,
"Have lots of children and let them live in the land.
Take care of the sea, fish, birds
and every creature that moves on the ground."

My e-book links

2013년 7월 1일 월요일

#7 Amazon Children Picture Book for Christian - Preview

#7 Amazon Children Picture Book for Christian - Preview

< The Story of Eden > 
Genesis 'He Loves Us So Much' #1

On the sixth day,
God made every kind of creatures including wild animals,
livestock and everything that creeps on the ground.
God looked around and was happy with them.

My e-book links